The first draft of anything is shit.

- Ernest Hemingway

The trick to finally using that nice notebook you bought is to draw a really big scribble right in the middle of it. That way it stops being new and special and can now be used for regular stuff.

The trick to finally writing a first blog is to do the same - scribble something, and ship it.

I know I will look back at this post and say “Who wrote this shit?” But if I don’t make a shitty first post, the next post won’t follow.

So this is my shitty scribble on the first page, to serve as a reminder that we all had to start somewhere.

Oh, and since this is a “tech” blog, perhaps I should do a tech takeaway.

Here it goes:

When looking at other people’s work, be it code, or blog posts, and you start asking yourself “Who wrote this shit!?”, remember that the shit you’re looking at was probably someone’s best effort written on a tight deadline. Give ‘em some space, and assume the best intention.